Medical Dermatology Services

Sydney Skin Dermatologists specialise in treating skin conditions in people of all ages from children to adults. Skin conditions common in children are eczema, psoriasis (tinea), ringworm, chicken pox, impetigo, warts, while conditions commonly seen in adolescents and adults include acne, eczema, psoriasis, actinic keratosis, hair and nail disorders and skin cancer. Therefore a specialised treatment is essential to treat the skin conditions seen in people of different ages.


Skin Allergies

Allergies are very common. They are a hypersensitive reaction to a substance, object, medicine, chemical or food which triggers a range of symptoms including a skin rash. Allergy testing determines which particular substances or allergens provoke an allergic reaction. There are 3 types of allergy testing:

  • Skin prick test
  • Blood test (RAST Test)
  • Patch test


Skin prick test

Skin prick testing is the most convenient and least expensive method of allergy testing. As results are available within 20 minutes, this allows you to discuss the results with your doctor at the time of testing.


Skin prick testing is most commonly performed on the forearm. Your skin is pricked with a needle containing a tiny amount of a suspected allergen. If the skin becomes red, swollen and itchy then that is a clear indication that there has been an allergic reaction.


This is a safe test: only a tiny amount of the allergen is used which will not provoke a severe reaction. This makes it suitable for all age groups, from the very young to the very old.


Patch test

Patch testing involves small amounts of suspected allergens applied to a disc which is then taped onto your skin, usually your back. The discs are left in place for up to 48 hours. They are then removed and your skin is checked to see if any reactions have developed. This is repeated 48 hours later. Patch testing is performed as part of a series of diagnostic procedures for contact dermatitis.


Phototherapy/Psoriasis Treatment

Phototherapy is the use of narrowband UVB ultraviolet light to treat several skin conditions. This 311mm band of light suppresses the skin immune system and is useful for treating conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo.


For more information, please see the Australasian College of Dermatologists phototherapy information page –